Programme of Events 2024/2025

   Monday 9th Sept Gardens for Us & Them                    Ian Bedford

     TV personality and renowned entomologist, also known as 'The Bug Man'.

   Monday 7th Oct  Plant, grow and care for dahlias        Kim O'Brien

    Local and award-winning dahlia expert.

   Monday 2nd Dec    Christmas Wreath Workshop           Linda Walker

    Local Florist will demonstrate and give guidance on how to make your own sustainable Christmas wreath

    Pre-book and payment by 16th Nov as places are limited. Cost to be confirmed (approx £20) Please bring your own snips/secateurs, some      seasonal foilage; twigs/holly, yew.  Seasonal mulled wine included.

    Monday 6th Jan  Coton Garden Club Quiz  and New Year’s Supper

     Bring and share some food and join us for a fun trivia quiz.

    Monday 3rd Feb             AGM 7.30pm followed by Happy Houseplants  8pm       Geoff Hodge 

    Monday 3rd March    Getting to grips with pruning      Nigel Slater   

    Monday 7th April   Coton Garden Club Question Time       Garden Advisor  tbc

`   Our very own experienced local gardeners will be on hand to answer your gardening questions. 

`  Bring your questions and tap into their knowledge on everything from vegetable growing to plants.

    Sat 17th May: Garden Club Plant sale         Village Green, 10am – 12 noon
    Plant donations from 9.00 - 9.45am gratefully received.
    Proceeds from the plant sale help to subsidise Garden Club costs and enable us to donate to support  plant-related projects that enhance Coton village.